Monday, 14 January 2013

Section A: Skills Evaluation of Production - Question 1(a)


Put the requirements of this question into your own words:
  • Describe and evaluate your skills development over the course of your production work.
  • Describe and evaluate how your skills have developed over a period of time from your AS and A2 coursework.
Evaluating: weighing up how I have improved from AS to A2, to what degree have I improved and how the standards have increased. What I could do better even more to improve further. Compare my skills from AS to A2 and how my knowledge has advanced using media progammes that create each production work.

Production work
Preliminary Magazine: Cover, Contents Page
Final Magazine: Cover, Contents Page, Double Page spread

Preliminary Music Video, Mime
Preliminary Music Video, The Kills 'No Wow'

Draft: Final Music Video, Lexi and the Spectrum 'Living Dead'
Final Music Video, Lexi and the Spectrum 'Living Dead'

Draft: Digipak and Album Advert
Digipak and Album Advert

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