Digital Technology
Adobe Photoshop CS5
Adobe Premiere Elements 8.0
Windows Movie Maker
Lighting Techniques
Panosonic HD video camera
16GB SD Card
Portable Harddrive
Microsoft Word 2007
Appealing to a certain target market to enable me to create niche and unique product
Using Photoshop to enable me to express my ideas in a systematic digital way
Research and Planning
Research: Textual Analysis of other texts, colour palettes, looking at conventions in similar media products,
Planning: Creating a draft, storyboarding,
Adobe Photoshop CS5
Magazine: Cut out central image, manipulated appearance of typography by adding shadows, outer glows and fill colours, increasing the brightness/contrast and saturation to make artist look more appealing,
Album Advert
Adobe Premiere Elements 8.0
Using conventions from real media texts
Mise-en-scene: clothes, locations, props, make-up, lighting
Filming: 180 degree rule, lighting, lip syncing
Magazine: Masthead, sub-heading, typography, central image, rule of thirds, page numbers and titles in the contents page,
Digipak: Image of a front cover, track list on the back, using logo of real media record company,
Album Advert:
Sian, your detailed list shows an excellent understanding of the key areas. Good work :)